Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Week

Hello again everyone! What a great couple of weeks our family has enjoyed. Except that we all have had a miserable cold. But we seem to be on the healing end of that and so things are looking up.

These last 2 weeks have been all about Thanksgiving. Our ward had a Thanksgiving Dinner about 10 days ago. It was really good. I really love our ward. I love the people in our ward, I love my calling, I just love it. I really enjoyed the ward activity- good people, good food.

Then of course we had the real Thanksgiving dinner at Aunt Larue and Uncle John's in Mackay. There were 16 of us there and it was delicious. I made a delicious cheesecake, pumpkin pie and a jell0 salad. When we were done eating, we played games. It was so much fun. We played Apples To Apples, Trivial Pursuit and Bunko and almost everyone except myself (and Rex who fell asleep on the couch) played on the Wii. We also had Thanksgiving dinner at Rex's Mom's yesterday. It was also delicious. After we got home from Mackay on Thursday, we did what I had been waiting all day for........ the battle plan.....

That's right, we are die hard "Black Friday" shoppers. So on Thanksgiving night, we spread out all the ads (see below) and made a plan. This year was pretty uneventful in the fact that none of us got hurt. Rex and I went to Walmart at 3:30 (yes, that is AM) and Kylie and William and my Mom and Shanda went to ShopKo at the same time. We went to about 5 other stores after that and were done shopping by about 8:30. I think we got everything that we went for except for at Hastings. For those of you who have never tried shopping on Black Friday, you are missing out on the funniest experience. As you are standing in line to get ready to rush the store, you become best friends with the people standing around you. It is so much fun. I seriously look forward to this all year long. We had wanted to go to Best Buy too but Rex and I drove by there on Thursday night and there was already a line forming and people had their tents set up and everything. Thank you Sheryl Stoneking for teaching me about Black Friday.......

Besides all of the Thanksgiving dinners, I went and saw Twilight. I loved, loved, loved it! That leads me to this weeks "favorites" list...... Movies
  • Twilight- I can't say anything more about this movie except that I dreamt about it for the next 3 nights in a row. I loved it. I will definitely have to own it, in fact, I'll probably have to pay full price for it.
  • Sweet Home Alabama- I think this is my favorite "chick flick." I bawl so many time throughout this movie. I like to watch it again and again....
  • Dead Poets Society- I know that this is an older movie. But I have never forgotten it. I think it is so powerful in the end when they all stand on their desks as he is leaving. Carpe Diem!
  • Fiddler on the Roof- an oldie but a goodie. The songs stick with me forever after I have watched it. This is a classic.
  • A Knights Tale- I'm not sure why I like this movie so much, I just do.... It's one of my all time favorites....
Well, I guess that about sums up the last few weeks. Please leave us a comment, we would love to hear from you.


William And Kylie Mobley said...

i want pictures of black friday someday....what a great scrapbooking opportunity! I love shopping black friday, but not when I'm actually standing in line. Somehow, i seem to forget EVERY year how miserably tired and cold I am, because every year I do it again.

Cossette said...

I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving! I experienced my first Black Friday this year and I was exhausted afterward. Glad you had a good time.

Mindy said...

Sounds like a great time! Black Friday is exciting...being side by side next to a crowd full of excited shoppers only happens once a year. All the other times people are crabby that the stores are so crowded. Good to hear you had no injuries!

Mel said...

So, yeah, this isn't about Black Friday, but....





Angie Robison said...

Hi Jill. I just got your Christmas card and saw your blog address. How fun that will be for us to keep up on your family. I have a blog too. It is . It is great to see what you are up to.