Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fiddles, Basements and Randomness

I have been so involved in playing around in my new Facebook account that I have neglected my blog. I am so ashamed. I am here to make amends though, that is if I can think of anything to keep you updated about. I guess that the funnest thing that I have done in the last few weeks is go and see the performing group Barrage at BYU-I. It was fantastic. They are a fiddle group from mostly Canada. But they do more than just fiddle. I was completely floored when they started doing things like Russian sailor dances WHILE they fiddled. It was amazing! When I play my viola, I can't be moving a whole lot or it just doesn't sound right. So, to see them dancing and hopping and fiddling, no less, I was awestruck. I found myself gripping my seat and trying really hard not to shout out (Rex wanted to know if I was turning into a "groupie"). I was also amazed at the fact that even though there were 5 fiddle players playing the same thing all at once, it only sounded like 1 instrument. Even now, I am shaking my head at how wonderful I thought the whole thing was.

We finally bit the bullet and hired someone to finish our basement for us. Rex just doesn't have the time and we really want it done. Even though I am hating the Rubbermaid containers stacked clear to the ceiling in the Family Room, having a completed basement will be so worth it.

My list this week is not going to be a list of my favorites, it is just going to be a list of random things about myself that many of you probably don't know.
  • Animals- I cannot and will not watch a movie or read a book where an animal gets hurt. I don't care what kind of animal it is. I don't care if a person gets the snot beat out of them. I can't watch it if an animal gets hurt. I can't watch Marley and Me. I don't like Fox and the Hound. I won't watch I Am Legend. I don't even like Man from Snowy River. That being said, I am reading Chicken Soup for the Dog Lovers Soul and every single story has made me bawl. I have to take a break between each story and recover.
  • Automatic Doors- I have a phobia of automatic doors (like at the grocery store) not opening automatically. I know that is weird but it is true. I always make sure the shopping cart goes out first (obviously- who goes out backwards of the store with their shopping cart in tow.)
  • Toes- I cannot stand to have my "pointer toes" pulled or stepped on. Even the thought makes me hurt. You can do whatever you want to the other ones, but don't touch my "pointer toes." (Are they really called pointer toes? You know which ones I mean...)
  • 4th of July- This is my favorite holiday. Not Christmas, not Thanksgiving, not my birthday. I have a whole wall in my Living Room dedicated to a Patriotic theme. I bawl every single 4th of July at everything- including Clydesdale horses at the fair. What a bawl baby I am on this day.
Maybe I have revealed more about myself than I wanted to but I couldn't think of much else to say and I have been thinking about my weird quirks lately. Anyway, now I have shared them with all of you and I feel even stranger......


Analee and Joe said...

Facebook is so addicting huh?!? I know what you mean about animals. I am the same way. I hate seeing animals die, and if I do see a movie were an animal dies or is in danger I cry like a baby. But I can handle when people get hurt in movies. Maybe its a Danielson gene.

William And Kylie Mobley said...

i haven't quite got addicted to facebook yet...i'll keep working on it. You should take up watching hockey if you like people to get the snot beat out of themselves.