Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

I know I am a few days late in posting for the New Year but here I am anyway. We had a great New Years Party at my Mom and Dad's house. We were actually up until 2 AM! I haven't stayed up that late since I was single. And since it was so late, most of us just slept somewhere at Mom & Dad's house. We sure had a good time though. We played lots of games like Cranium (ask Aunt Chris how to swim) , Apples To Apples, Imaginiff and then we did some Karaoke. Anyway, it was great. I love to play games as a family.

I had kind of a strange incident happen to me a few nights ago. I think I got into something I was allergic to. I couldn't sleep at all that night, I kept jerking awake and I was very nervous and jittery. So, I got up to get a drink and I felt like my lip was fat. So, I went to check it out and my left eye was severely swollen and the left side of my lip was numb. Weird huh? So, then I really couldn't sleep- probably because I was scaring myself. I was sure I had had a stroke or something equally horrible. But the next day, I was fine. My lip still doesn't feel normal although it and my eye aren't swollen anymore. Kind of scary!

I'm not going to do a favorites list on this posting because I am in a hurry and I can't think of anything anyway. I didn't take any pictures on New Years Eve so here is a picture of my wish for Spring/ Summer to come early (even though I know that we need a lot more snow to survive...):

1 comment:

Analee and Joe said...

You have the cutest girls ever! How fun, I love game nights! This new years I was in bed by 11. Maybe next year I can keep my eyes open later.