Sunday, December 21, 2008

Still Crazy Here....

Merry Christmas everyone! I still don't have time to detail out everything that has happened the last 3 weeks but I am going to take the time to highlight some of the big events.

  • Dental Appointments- About 6 months ago, I took the girls to the dentist for the first time and it was a terrible experience for them. They ended up with 7-8 cavities EACH and a "baby root canal" the dentist called it. It was a horrible experience for all of us to go through. Anyway, they had their 6 month check up a couple of weeks ago and I was not looking forward to the dentists' verdict. But we only had 1-2 cavities each and no root canals! Yippee! And the girls weren't scared to be there. They did really well at having their teeth cleaned and the cavities filled. Ashtyn did bite a HUGE hole in her lip when she was still numb. Seriously, it was the biggest canker sore I have ever seen- it was the size of my thumb from the first knuckle to the end. It was huge. But she only complained about it a few times.
  • Ashtyn's rough week- Not only did Ashtyn have cavities filled and bite a huge hole in her lip, but she also was sick one morning and cracked her head open. She was spinning around making herself dizzy and fell against the kitchen counter. She didn't need stitches but you all know how much a head wound bleeds....
  • Teton Chamber Orchestra- Back in February, I received a phone call from my high school orchestra conductor who wanted to know if my sister Kylie and I would be interested in playing with the Teton Chamber Orchestra. We jumped at the chance and played with Jim Brickman in February, Sara Hickman in October and this past week we have had 3 concerts with Kurt Bestor. Kurt Bestor is amazing. The songs were so fun to play. He had Jenny Oaks Baker as a guest performer. She can play the violin like no one else! It was spectacular. For those of you who have seen a Kurt Bestor concert you will maybe agree that he puts on a great concert and his reading of "Twas The Night Before Christmas" was a highlight of the evening.
  • Shanda's Party- We went to my sister Shanda's Christmas party last night. Luckily the roads to Rexburg were drivable. We had a great time. If you ever want to have an original game made up to play at a party, contact my brother-in-law Jade. He makes up these games that we play at their parties and he does a great job.
Well, those are the big events that are happening around here. With a trip to Salt Lake tonight and Christmas right around the corner, I will hopefully have more to write about later. Until then, I leave you with my Favorites list.... Favorite Things to do in my Spare Time:
  • Read- I love to read. I could waste days at a time reading a good book. I am currently reading the Shadow Children series by Margaret Haddix. Good series!
  • Scrapbook- I love to scrapbook. I am fairly caught up on all of our scrapbooks. As soon as Christmas is over, I will have more to do though and I am looking forward to that.
  • Balance my checkbook- I know that sounds really strange. It must be the Accountant in me. I really enjoy doing the books for our company ADvantageous Design and I consider a great mail day if the bank statement comes in the mail so that I can reconcile it.
  • Visit with family- I love to spend time with my family. We have a great time together. Even though we all live fairly close together, it is still nice to be in the same room with everyone.
  • Watch movies- Although I hardly ever feel like I have time for movies, I still really enjoy it and find it a great way to relax. Yes, Twilight is still probably my favorite movie.
Until next time..... Merry Christmas!

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