Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Things have finally settled down here thank goodness. You look forward to Christmas all year long and the closer it actually gets, the sooner you wish it was over... At least that is how I feel. I love Christmas but this year especially was crazy busy. I was still up on Christmas Eve trying to finish Christmas presents and that is so not like me! Anyway, things have finally begun to settle down and for that I am grateful.

We went to Salt Lake last Sunday to meet up with Rex's brother Jared and his family. We were a little worried about the weather but our drive down to Salt Lake was just fine. Coming home on Monday was a different story. Salt Lake to Ogden was snowy. Ogden to Pocatello was just fine (including Malad and the pass). But Pocatello to I.F. was awful and especially Shelley to I.F (that's where all the cars were off of the road.) Anyway, we made it without incident and I was really glad to be home. We had a great time on Temple Square. It is so beautiful there. Ashtyn and Tayla got along really well with Brooklyn who is just a month or 2 younger than them.

Ashtyn and Tayla on Temple Square
Tayla, Brooklyn and Ashtyn
I thought these pictures of Temple Square itself were beautiful.
We had a really nice Christmas. I got a new Cricut cartridge that I am really excited to try out. I can't wait to get scrapbooking! We went on Christmas Eve to my Mom and Dad's house and had dinner and reenacted the nativity. Here are some of my favorite pictures:
Kylie as a Sheep------------Rex (wiseman) & Nana (sheep)

Ashtyn and Tayla as Mary and Joseph

On Christmas day we got up early and opened presents and then went to Rex's mom's and opened some there. My parents were snowed in and so we couldn't go out there. We went back to Rex's Mom's that night for a really good dinner. On Friday, my parents finally got plowed out and so we went out there and had Christmas all over again. We had a great time.
I have to tell everyone 2 funny things that Tayla told us this week: On Christmas Day, she would open an present and look at it and then say to us, "That is not what I ordered." Then she would set it aside and go onto the next one.... Then, just a couple of hours ago, she asked me to make her a new sticker chart. I told her I would do that for her after she went to bed and her reply to me was. "You can just email it." I had to laugh!

I had a hard time coming up with a list to include in this weeks post. I decided to list my favorite TV shows, even though I haven't watched TV in months. Maybe these shows are no longer airing, I don't really know...
  • Lost- I am a season behind but I still like this show
  • Dancing With The Stars- I only watched the first season but I did really enjoy it.
  • Prison Break- This is a great series- one Rex and I like to watch together
  • Amazing Race- As a family rule, Rex and I don't watch TV on Sundays but I desperately want to break the rule on this one. I love this show!
  • Survivor- I don't really like this show anymore. But I used to love it.
Well, there you have it. Until next time......


Steve and Rebecca said...

What a fun Christmas and trip to Temple Sqaure! Do you remember when our freshman year ward went down to see the Christmas lights? I love "that's what I ordered" phrase...haha!

Analee and Joe said...

I love their christmas dresses! How fun to dress them up matching!